Ranch Girl and the Orphan Lamb Adventure


Kelsi Fairgate, a fourth grader and only child living on a ranch in the middle of Texas, awaits the end of the school year. When her parents bring in an orphan lamb from a pasture, her prospects for the summer look up. Kelsi and her friend, Ampara, run into some serious rattlesnake trouble one day. The lamb saves Kelsi, but then it is the girls’ turn to try to save the lamb!

Praise for this book

The story begins with young Kelsi adopting an orphan lamb and struggling through the many trials that arise when caring for such a pet. From bottle-feeding early in the morning, after school, and late at night to keeping the lamb off the manicured lawn and away from the cows, the challenges seem overwhelming at times. Kelsi often feels she is failing at the task but loves the lamb and does not want to lose the privilege of raising him. However, in the end, it's the lamb who risks his life to protect his friend in a frightening and truly dangerous situation.
Readers will benefit from the beautiful picture of ranch life--its trials and its rewards--and, even more importantly, will learn about the value of true friendship.